Attendance Policy » Attendance


Coming to school is integral to succeeding in it!

Student attendance and student achievement are closely intertwined. Students who develop patterns of good attendance are much more likely to be successful both academically and socially than students who develop patterns of poor attendance.  We recognize that a high school diploma will provide our students the opportunity to become productive and contributing members of society. Each school shall work collaboratively with the entire school community to maintain and create a school culture and climate where students feel safe, welcome, and connected. A positive school environment, conducive to regular daily attendance and learning will result in increased attendance and improved academic achievement. Parents, staff, community, and school leadership are vital in supporting all students to graduate.


Parents can be empowered, engaged in, and responsible for the successful completion of their children’s education. Each student can graduate from high school given the appropriate, coordinated services and resources necessary to meet individual needs.


Parents Guide to the Attendance Policy


Attendance page 1

Attendance page 2


Asistencia Escolar pagina 1

Asistencia Escolar pagina 2

Excused absences


Attendance Matters

Who can read?

Quien puede leer

Who is affected

Quien es afectado